Interview with Dionysis Kiamos of StartTheMonkey


StartTheMonkey is a new band from Athens which is strongly possessed by an experimental spirit of mixing many genres of metal in the soundscape it wants to create. Formed in 2017, they have already given their first samplesof their musical experiments, thus setting the stage for their establishment as a notable and reckonable force in the field of the local and international scene of experimental metal sound. So with us we have the band's guitarist, Dionysis Kiamos, who will introduce us to the magical world of StartTheMonkey.

Starting things off, could you tell us a few things about yourselves so that our readers can learn about you?

Good morning, Michael, thank you very much for this beautiful discussion.

Well StartTheMonkey as you said above was formed in 2017 with different members, me and George (drums) are still around today. Now the band is Jason (vocals, flute), Manos (bass), George (drums) and me (guitar). We are each different characters, with different sounds, which results in us writing this music. Dionysis Kiamos

The band was formed in 2017, how did it all start and what was the inspiration for choosing your original name?

The name of the band was created randomly from our drummer's inspiration one day while listening to the Pixies' "Monkey Gone to Heaven" on Spotify. He took it symbolically, that the monkey is the goal that we all have to achieve in something, but for some reason is impossible for us because of the conditions we are experiencing. He felt a connection with the monkey, that the dream, the ambition, and the goals should not die, and so the name "StartTheMonkey" came, and as we said it to each other we realized that we liked it and it fits us.

Who are your main influences?

As I said above, we all listen to different types of music, of course we also have a lot in common. I can say that our main influences are Russian Circles, Amenra, Cult of Luna, Isis, etc.

Even though you formed in 2017, you officially released your first EP, The Start of the Monkey, in 2020, what happened in those three years that delayed its release?

Like all bands we wanted time to get to know each other musically. We jammed a lot but kept 2 pieces. All this took us 2 years, then we entered the studio to record. Towards the final stage of the mix, a small but time-consuming health issue arose with the sound engineer who had taken over for us.

Start of the Monkey was your debut, where did you get the inspiration for the music and lyrics of its tracks?

Our inspiration is a "mosaic" of many genres. If someone were to enter into the process of baptizing our music, they would immediately recognize our influences from Isis, Cult of Luna, Neurosis, Russian circles, Amenra and locally certainly Their Methlab, Last Rizla, Sadhus, the Allochiria and the Kalpa.

The band has undergone many changes over time, how has it affected its cohesion?

It changed us musically for the better. It made us more mature by putting us in a program based on these difficulties. We set goals and moved on. George Papaioannou

You were one of the bands that took their first steps in this grim reality that we experienced and are still experiencing today, what is the driving force that pushes you to keep fighting for the band?

Unfortunately we are one of those bands. We have faced many difficulties but we never give up. We have a locked target that sooner or later we want to conquer.
But the most important thing is that we play for ourselves first.

You released your debut album Urban Psyche in 2023 via Electric Talon Records. How did you feel after finishing it and what are its differences compared to The Start of the Monkey musically and lyrically?

We were really very happy that after 3 whole years with many difficulties, such as the pandemic, we managed to finish our first album and sign with the label. I would like to thank Stephen from Electric Talon Records for helping us and being there for us.

As for the differences with the EP, now we have the stable line up, our music has matured. We focused more on melodies and not so much on our atmospheric element. We put in fast riffs, more aggressive ones, but also few and good relaxed-melodic riffs. Iasonas Gousas

As for the lyrical part in The Start of the Monkey the role of vocals and lyrics was played by Christos and in Urban Psyche by Jason, so we are talking about a different composition.

What does Urban Psyche mean to you and what messages do you want to get across with this album?

For us, Urban Psyche is all the difficulties of life in urban centers passed through music and lyrics. For us it is not just an album,it is the cleansing of our soul and the liberation from life's constraints. The lyrics of the songs may be depressing and dark, but the message of this album is actually that we should not be subjugated by the depression and misery of urban life, but free ourselves from them.

Your album covers have different aesthetics and styles. What prompted this change and how do you think it reflects your creativity?

They have completely different aesthetics from each other. They have been designed by different artists. What we ask from a graphic designer - painter when we want some artwork for the band is to listen to our music and draw what comes out because he is an artist in his own element.

Last March you did your first tour in Northern Greece and Bulgaria which ended with a final show in Athens. What were the most memorable moments you experienced?

Every minute of this trip was special. So I don't know which one to choose. There is a video of the trip on our YouTube channel. Manos Analampidakis

What does a new band need to establish itself in the Greek music scene, ensuring its survival and building a dedicated audience?

First of all, you have to write good music, because if you don't have good music, whatever you do, you won't succeed. After that it takes a lot of stubbornness and persistence but also patience. So good music and lots of lives everywhere.

The use of artificial intelligence in metal has become an increasingly hot topic over time. What is your opinion on this matter?

Personally, I am one of those people who do not support artificial intelligence at all, and I find it a shame that some people use it. Art needs emotion to be created, artificial intelligence is a cold thing that you give it some information to produce something for you.

What are your future plans both studio-wise and live-wise?

We are in the phase where we are discussing some live shows for the new season. As for the studio part, a little patience and very nice things will come out. In the next lives, some new songs will be played.

Thank you for your time. Would you like to add something?

I would like to thank you again for this beautiful conversation we had. Always be strong and we hope to see you at one of our live shows. Until then “Let's Start The Monkey!”


The interview was conducted by Michalis Antonopoulos




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