Interview with Francis Samoilis of Innerwish


It's really nice to have work released by bands that you're lucky enough to know the members of personally. This is how the "boring to others" q&a turns into a chat, into something warm, into an interaction, into a lake full of dreamsand visions for the future. INNERWISH's sixth album, 'Ash Of Eternal Flame', has just been released and everywhere there is this atmosphere of fulfillment, this feeling of 'All went well'. Near us is a man who has learned in his life to work hard and constantly, either to make a living or to become an amazing drummer.

George Eikosipentakis

Frangiskos Samoilis has been sitting behind the band's drums for about fifteen years and is enjoying every moment of this journey, compositionally and playing. We had talked together eight years ago, about the children's previous self-titled album, and we thought it was a good opportunity to talk again. We focused on the essence of the record. In his songs, in the production process, in the plans for the future, in the relationships of the members with each other, in their new record label, in the fact that each of their works is an extension of their soul.

Welcome to Metalourgio, Frankie! Thank you very much for your time. Listening to “Ash Of Eternal Flame”, I am convinced that it is the most epic album you have released. Has this crossed your mind at all? That the tunes are as grande as ever?

Basically, good evening to you (which was also said by a soul)! What can I say, other than that, thank you very much for what you say and your opinion about the record! Honestly, no, it hasn't crossed my mind and I don't think it has crossed their minds either, because we don't think about it when we write. We know or rather we think we have a very good record, of course we are happy with the melodies, with everything it has (otherwise it wouldn't have come out), but that's about it. So since you say it, I accept it and enjoy it... (laughs)

Manolis Tsigos

I was also present at the pre-audition and learned first hand about how you get inspired lyrically.  Would you like to introduce our readers to this side of your world?

Naturally. There is no concept on the record. The lyrics are about different things. We have themes from mythology (“Forevermore”, “Hands Of doom”), we have songs that deal with serious problems of the world around us (“Sea Of Lies”), we have songs about the joy and responsibility of being a father/parent at the same time ("Higher"), songs about internal conflicts of each of us or about our "zero points" that we have to go on differently ("Soul Asunder", "Breathe"), we have about depression ("Primal Scream"), we also have for our country (“Ash Of Eternal Flame”)… Whatever you want. The inspiration comes naturally, because these are all issues that concern us and we want to talk about them through our music. Some accept them, some don't, but we can't cover them all. We talk about ourselves first, our beliefs - if you want - and views and we move on. What sticks with the listener is how eclectic the album is and how different it can sound from song to song.

Perhaps the epitome of "Music is one"?

Thymios Krikos

Music is definitely one. But all of our influences are infinite and varied and especially between the six of us in the band. Which ultimately shows in our music to a degree, either directly or indirectly. But the good thing about "music is one" for us, is that the whole palette of individual influences passes through a specific prism, the band, and therefore acquires this uniformity.

You have already released four videos, three for the album and of course the stand alone “Cult Of The Blind”. I know you are preparing more. When is your next attack? We expect this too.

Whenever RPM decides to do so. And this answer should be the least I write to you... (laughs)

Does LiVE's plan hold up well? Will we hear from you in 2024 or are you thinking of starting in 2025? Will you travel all over Greece? Any plans for overseas?

2024 does not exist. Personally I'm still recovering from a foot problem I got a year ago and I can't even play. Now I start again. Therefore, in order for us all to be as we should be, we are going for 2025. We are already making moves and closing small things, either domestically or abroad. We will definitely try to play as much as we can. This is not only up to us, but we will do our best.

A winning team does not change. The six of you and your partners, in terms of production and mixing/mastering. The people you work with, you've been working with for years, right?

Fragiskos Samoilis

It applies. With Henrik Udd, it's actually the third record we've made, although the first under his absolute seal. In the previous two it was in Fredrik Nordstrom's group, while now it's solo. He has done a great job again and the good thing is that he knows us and we know him now and he comes out easy. What you hear is 80% what he sent us as a first mix. Incredible! With Fotis, whom we write with now, we also work with him on the spot, what should we change? Besides being amazing at his job, he is above all a true friend (with Thymios and best men), he has been through the band before and is what we call "family". When you have the team working well and without problems, there is no reason to change.

Ideas become songs through teamwork, which sometimes includes tensions? Are they also useful in the production process?

Georgios Georgiou

Of course there are tensions! (laughs) After all, there is me in the band, who is the "grumpy" and the "nagging one", if you ask the others. Let them say! (lots of laughter) Everything is useful when it is at normal levels and under control. We all want the same thing. The best possible result. Sometimes we have a different view of what that is. We must prevail. Fight! (laughs).

Satisfied with RPM (Reigning Phoenix Music)? How did the engagement come about? How are things going, as far as promoting the album?

Yes, we are satisfied so far. It's a big shop, very big! Great bands, great people, with crazy history in the space within the company, it's something else. A "reward" for us, if you will. We sent the record to Markus Wosgien, one of the biggest metal heads in Europe and the man in his reply was more of a fan than us! He really freaked out. And his whole approach was such that we no longer had any ambitions to engage in anything else. Frankly, Markus' way counted more than any size of the company. The humane, fan way, with respect and great communication. In terms of promotion, it seems to be going well. Ask me in the next semester... (laughs).

The album cover is incredible! How was the idea born? How did Prometheus come about?

Antonis Mazarakis

Work of Mr. Giannis Nakos! Giannis is awesome! Another area where the Greek element is rising in Europe in our music. We met, we talked about the ideas, we also had "Forevermore", which talks about the myth of Prometheus, well, it didn't really needed that much time. Simply, Giannis' perspective on it all is what made the cover so cool.

What makes you want to create and do it together?

The need to escape from the clutter of everyday life, whatever form it takes. Some pay for physiotherapy, some something else, some the other, we have this. It's our 'therapy' if you will. For the hours we are dealing with it, we are a bit somewhere else. And since we find each other like this, why stop? If people like it too? Even better!

The interview was conducted by Kostas Koulis



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