"There was a time long ago When men fought for steel The sword was worth more than gold And easy to make the kill..."
Very well understood, among the pioneers of epic metal, with an EP station and defining point of reference in this category, the Americans Medieval Steel they belong to the great, classics of the genre! Success and acclaim are not always consistent with multiple releases, publicity and PR Medieval Steel they had none of that! In 1984 they introduced themselves with the legendary EP of the same name Medieval Steel, in 1989 with the demo Demo '89, in 2005 they release the compilation The Dungeon tapes and 2012 The Anthology of Steel, and finally their first album comes in 2013, Dark Castlee! So how is it possible for the band to hold together and stand the test of time, how come they are headlining major festivals around the world? The answer is to reissue the collection Dungeon tapes in 2021, due to huge demand, and they will be releasing their new album soon Gods of Steel, therefore the collaboration with Bart Gabriel seems to be thriving in the best way!
The Medieval Steel they come from the era of the original heavy metal, the legendary bands of the 80's, that rocked the metal concert scenes of the whole world, without time wearing off their legend and they continue with undiminished power! You will learn more from their voice Medieval Steel, the unique one Bobby Franklin who gave a very enlightening interview to Metalourgio!
Welcome to Metalourgio Bob
Thank you for the invitation
Going back to the beginning of your career, when you released your first EP, how difficult was it in America then for a Heavy Metal band? Who are your strongest influences musically?;
Someone asked me this question before, and it's a good question. In those days there were so many bands in this genre, it was hard to stand out, some bands did it for the parties, drugs and women and still got signed even if they weren't as good as some other bands. We saw it as saying if they don't sign us we'll keep doing what we're doing and get over the bastards (lol)
Although the song “Medieval Steel” is an anthem for every one of your fans, what was the reason for delaying the hit at that time, was it a coincidence? For many of us it defines Epic Metal, did you realize its greatness at the time?
The song “Medieval Steel” then spread by word of mouth and then the internet came and spread it even more. Of course, if you write a song, which is the name of your band, it has to be great, otherwise what's the point. When I wrote it, I felt good, I felt like it was a strong song. I never imagined it would take on a life of its own.
Reading his lyrics Medieval Steel, the whole description reminds me of our current situation, with the global anti-pandemic measures, the quarantine and the restriction of transport, one could say that we are back in the dark ages. How do you feel that this song now almost feels like an omen.
My friends, this is an excellent question. Don't even get me started on politics, the state of America right now. But this song does have a reflection of today's events in terms of some of these tyrannical governments imposing orders on people. I don't want to sound derogatory about the pandemic, because a lot of people have lost their lives.
In 2005 the collection “The Dungeon Tapes” (and in 2012 the “Anthology of Steel”) showed us that fans - who had missed your old songs all these years - loved the unreleased ones too. So here we are in 2021 with “The Dungeon Tapes" king-mastered by Bart Gabriel, tell us about this decision and more about your collaboration with him Bart Gabriel.
First of all, I would say that Bart Gabriel and Gabriel Management were just fantastic. We knew and Bart recognized the potential for a reissue because there was still demand for it.
Eight years have passed since "Dark Castle” of 2013, what happened in between, until its release The Dungeon Tapes, this year.
There have been some tragic events, most notably the death of founding member Chuck Jones in 2014, which has been devastating for the band and has taken some time to recover from. The second blow came in 2018, when our original bassist Jeff Boydston passed away. I knew in my heart that these guys would want us to continue. Rest in peace my brothers.
We are all excited about your new upcoming album titled “Gods of Steel”, give us some insight into this new release, as far as the itself concept, lyrics and music, we would appreciate a full description of your new music.
I would say the title track is another epic metal anthem. There are songs like “Great White Warrior”, “When Mountains Fall”, “Soldiers of Fortune” and “Satanic Gardner” which are also very good. Also, a ballad that talks about if someone you love has ever passed away, and most people have, then you can relate to this song. Management has informed us that we may have to wait until early next year to release it. So they can possibly organize a short European support tour.
Your lyrics are full of fantasy and medieval mystery, and your love for epic music is evident in each of your songs. Could you tell us where your inspiration comes from?
Well, I feel like I was born in the wrong century, that I should have been born in the age of medieval warriors. Can I I identify with struggles and triumphs. In terms of inspiration, I just try to put myself back in those times and mostly how I would react to those situations in terms of kill or be killed.
It seems that in your live shows, especially in 'Keep it True' and in 'Up The Hammers' for example, your fans in Greece and Europe in general, love you and sing your songs like there's no tomorrow, what are your thoughts on this support. What can you remember from these shows, any memorable incident that you could share with us?
I love the fact that people know the songs and sing along with me. It just confirms the fans' dedication and love for this music. As for memorable incidents. One is that before we played that day at the first Keep It True festival, there was a man who couldn't get a ticket because it was sold out. He had set up a small Medieval Steel altar, with old memorable tracks of the band playing, and he blew us away, all he wanted was an autograph, he was amazing! Then, another memorable event, was the first song we opened with, which was “War Machine”, Chris the drummer, hit his finger on the end of the drum, cut it open wide and blood was pouring out on all drums and part of the stage. It was kind of gross, but the fans loved it.
What are your thoughts on your legend, your legacy, it seems with them Manowar, Omen and Warlord, you inspire the next generations of what we call today epic Metal.
As for my legacy, I'll let it speak for itself. It could be argued that we started the epic metal genre, that's a discussion for another time, we're just happy to be a part of it.
You have been an active band since 1982. Looking back, what major differences can you point out over the years? Is it easier these days for a band to become popular, because of social networks or management and record companies?
It's much easier for bands to get recognized and build their fan base these days. Because as you know, when we started there weren't even cell phones and now everyone has one.
Speaking of record labels, you've signed with some big names, what's your experience with them so far?
As with most deals, there are good and bad. You just have to hope that you can find a good record company and that they have good people who want the best for the band.
For quite some time now, there has been a return to the sound of the 80s. Do you find it useful for bands like you or is it just a trend that comes and goes?
I'm not sure I'd call it a trend, but when people hear it they recognize good music. In the 70's and 80's, great music was released during those times. The 90s was a difficult decade because music changed, grunge music was what a lot of people were listening to.
What kind of advice would you give to a band now trying to take their first steps in Heavy Metal. What should they watch out for, avoid or adhere to?
As far as new bands go, just be true to yourself, follow your heart. Don't let these record companies and people who think they know what they're doing because they don't tell you to replace the band members because they will do that if they don't like someone. Or to be told you need to sound like someone they like because you end up chasing your tail, stick to your guns.
What do you listen to in your spare time Is there a band that you think is underrated and should be noticed?
One of my favorite albums is Fight by Rob Halford and of course Powerslave by Iron Maiden. There is so much to mention now though.
Also, I heard today that the Foo Fighters were nominated for the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. When you have Priest, Maiden, Scorpions and even SteppenWolf who have been around for 50 years or more in some cases they don't get in. When you induct Janet Jackson, LLCool J and other talentless bums into the Rock Hall, then what do you expect.
As a genre of music, the Heavy Metal is now 50 years old. How about those who still think it's just a teenage phase
I think you answered your own question, it's been 50 years. If it was a teenage phase, it would have passed long ago.
You have been in the music scene for many years, have you regretted anything, is there anything you would have done differently on stage? And speaking of live action, can we expect you in Europe/Greece?
As far as live performances go, the song is basically the same. But in the future, I'll put on a guitar and play rhythm guitar on some of the songs. Yes, you can expect to see us in Greece, we are scheduled to play the Up the Hammers Festival in mid-March 2022. After that, the management is in discussions with organizers for a tour of northern Europe.
As you may know, we played in Greece once before. I absolutely loved it! The people were great, the food was great, and to all the Greek fans we love you and look forward to seeing you soon!
ΚBobby, closing this interview, the word to you Metalourgio wishes you success in your future plans!
Your thanks Metalourgio for the interview, don't forget to check out our new “Gods of Steel” music! In the meantime, stay safe and stay strong!!!
The interview was conducted by Metalourgio
Return to the roots!!
They didn't do much, and yet... How can this be explained...
Bob doesn't chew... it's a cult after all
I interviewed the legends a few times
Devils, what are you doing to them here at meraloyrgio and they were talking so much, calmly I ask...
Powerful interview
Nice interview maybe the most talking Bob has ever done! Well done
Medieval steel one of my favorite songs of all time. I don't know the other guys, but I knew Bobby Franklin from Batesville Arkansas when he lived on ruddle hill then Memphis. one time me and another dude "Rick" went to Bobby's in Memphis I was probably 20 at the time. The dude I rode with supposedly a friend was planning on robbing me and he said something to Bobby about it. Bobby went off on him and informed me of his intentions. Bobby then told him that he better hope nothing happens to me before I get back home. so that night Bobby talked a lot. Thanks Bobby. your a good friend. Dwayne Hall